Fun things to do this Christmas
AS Social
Psychology test
a) What is meant by the terms obedience to authority, ecological
validity and informed consent? (2 + 2 + 2 marks)
b) Explain how people might resist obedience. (6 marks)
c) Laboratory studies of obedience are rarely convincing, either in the
deception of participants, or their ability to explain obedience in the real
Consider whether such criticisms of the validity of obedience research are justified.
(18 marks)
AS Conformity/Obedience report write-up
Do it!
A2 Debates
in Psychology
Over the Christmas break, read the chapter in your favourite textbook on Debates
in Psychology: free will v. determinism, reductionism, psychology as science
and whatever the last bit is called (I cant remember and I dont
have the syllabus on me as I type). Take notes.
This bit of the syllabus is really interesting (honest!), but not very exciting
to do in class. You will also get you extra marks in the second exam paper if
you can refer to some of the concepts in this chapter (and Im not kidding).
A2 TV effects
Due on: 8/1/02
TV a good thing or a bad thing?
Your essay should be no more than 3.5 pages long. It should be imaginative,
and credit will be given for making me laugh. Illustrations and pictures are
encouraged. Be opinionated, arrogant and pompous. Lie if it helps to drive home
your point.
The Gunter handout + all the usual (and preferably unusual) sources. If you
can get any primary evidence from the British Broadcasting Council or
leading academics in the field, for example you will almost certainly
get an A+.
And then have a ripping Christmas...ho, ho, ho!